The statements and facts provided throughout the Toolkit can be cited with a list of references. These references are not cited on the online Toolkit but are available on the PDF version, using endnotes.
- British Columbia Ministry of Health, (2015), Building My Healthy Future checklist developed for older adults to assess their readiness in planning for healthy aging and aging in place. Authors: Eleanor Kallio, Kim Abraham and Donelda Eve. Copyright: B.C. Ministry of Health 2015. The F/P/T Forum (Seniors) Checklist “Thinking About Your Future? Plan now to Age in Place” has been reproduced and adapted with the permission of the Province of British Columbia’s Ministry of Health. For more information about British Columbia’s comprehensive toolkit to support older adult planning for healthy aging, please visit: healthyaging
- Lifeline, P. (2011), Lifeline report on Ageing in Canada.
- Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors (2011), Issues related to the Aging population: Perceptions andReactions – unpublished
- Statistics Canada (2011), Centenarians in Canada: Age and sex, 2011 Census,
- Office of the Chief Actuary (2014), Mortality Projections for Social Security Programs in Canada.
- Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors (2013), Thinking About Aging in Place. /place.shtml
- Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors (2010), What every older Canadian should know about: Planning for Possible Loss of Independence. /independence.shtml
- Reicherter, E. A., & Greene, R. (2005), Wellness and health promotion: Educational applications for older adults in the community. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 21(4), p. 295;
- Cohen-Mansfi eld, J., & Frank, J. (2008), Relationship between perceived needs and assessed needs for services in community dwelling older persons. Gerontologist. 48(4), p.505-16
- Masotti , P. J., Fick, R., Johnson-Masotti , A., & MacLeod, S. (2006), Healthy naturally occurring retirement communities: A low cost approach to facilitating healthy aging. American Journal of Public Health, 96(7) p. 1164, p. 1165.
- Carr, D. B., Flood, K., Steger-May, K., Schechtman, K. B., & Binder, E. F. (2006), Characteristics of frail older drivers. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 54(7), p. 1125
- Noone, J. H., Stephens, C., & Alpass, F.M. (2010), The process of retirement planning scale (PRePS): Development and validation. Psychological Assessment; Sep 22(3) p. 529
- Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors, (2010), What every older Canadian should know about: Planning for Possible Loss of Independence. /independence.shtml
- Hill, K., Kellard, K., Middleton, S., Cox, L., & Pound, E. (2007), Understanding resources in later life: Views and experiences of older people. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, p. 14
- Southeastern Ontario District Health Council. (2004), Healthy aging in Southeastern Ontario: Healthy Aging Task Force Project Report. p. 11 -12
- Green, L. (2010), You could live a long ti me: Are you ready? Thomas Allen Publishers, p. 106
- Hank, K., & Erlinghagen, M. (2009), Dynamics of volunteering in older Europeans, The Gerontologist, 50(2), p. 170
- Public Health Agency of Canada, (2011), The Safe Living Guide –A Guide to Home Safety for Seniors
The Facts: Seniors and Injury in Canada, publications/publications-general-public/safe-living-guide-a-guide-home-safety-seniors.html - Public Health Agency of Canada, (2014), Seniors Falls in Canada Second Report, services/health-promotion/aging-seniors/publications/publications-general-public/seniors-falls-canada-second-report.html
- Stats Canada -‘Support received by caregivers in Canada’ by Darcy Hango – release date: Jan 8th 2020).
- Stats Canada – ‘Almost one-quarter of Canadian Seniors are caregivers’ release date: Nov 24th 2020)
- The World Health Organization, (2007), Global Age-Friendly Cities: A Guide,
- Bolles, R. N., & Nelson, J. E., (2010), What colour is your parachute? For retirement: Planning now for the life you want. Random House, P.137
- Green, L. (2010), You could live a long time: Are you ready? Thomas Allen Publishers, p. 106
- Bolles, R. N., & Nelson, J. E., (2010), What colour is your parachute? For retirement: Planning now for the life you want. Random House, p. 231
- British Columbia Ministry of Health, (2013), British Columbia Focus Group Results — unpublished.